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4 votes

St Erlin

St Erlin
taille réelle

Nom :
St Erlin
Origine :
Style :
Volume :
75 cl
Alcool :
6.3 %
Brasserie :
St Erlin
Particularité :
Commentaires :
Publicité :
Vos commentaires sur cette bière

De : Mr Lenton

le Wednesday 01 January 2003
I purchased a 300 cl bottle of this beer with the following bar code 3-254565246619 and best before date of 17/05/2003 and opened it on December 29th 2002. The bottle had been kept in an upright position for 24 hours before openening but upon opening there was a lot of sediment floating around and the beer was very cloudy, there was a yellow tinge to the head of the beer and even after letting it stand for over an hour froth was still coming from the top of the bottle and the sediment was still active. I tasted the beer but it did not endear me to drink more and as I had bought it to share between myself, my son and other guests was duly disappointed and had to dispose of the beer without being able to enjoy it. I look forward to receiving your comments.

De : Laurent

le Thursday 02 March 2006

J'aimerais commander la St-Erlin, mais je ne trouve pas les coordonées de la brasserie !!! Qui peux me donner les coordonées de cette merveilleuse brasserire !!! Merci...
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